torsdag 9 januari 2014

Today in the morning it was raining, a lot. Then it stopped. Then it started raining again. The weather switch very quickly here. One minute it's really warm and the next it's really windy and rainy. You have to be prepared with different clothing.
I know I shouldn't complain when I know how boring the weather are at home and when everything else is great here. Like, all the people are so nice here. Everybody smiles at you and asks you how you are and other nice stuff. It makes me happy.

Today we where at an aquarium called Sea Life, on the other side of the city. We took a bus there and the bus looked like a shark, with teeth and all.
When we got there I couldn't see the aquarium, just a small house. Aperently the aquarium was under ground.
One if the first things we see when we walked in to the aquarium was pinguins. A lot of them. You could see them swimming under water and you could also see them walk on land. They where so cute. But you feel a little sorry for them when they don't have much space to live on,
Next where the jellyfishes. They where small and cute as well, but you got tired of watching them pretty fast. Did you know 97% of a jellyfish is water?
Next there was big ugly fishes and a few very large stingrocks. The stingrocks are very cool. We saw a man working at the aquarium feeding the stingrocks and there where like leaning on him. It looked really cool.
Last but not least where the tank with different fishes and big sharks. The tank went like a tunnel, so you where walking under the fishes and sharks as well. It was a bit scary when a big sharks with their many sharp theeth swimming right abow your head.
I think I liked the pinguins the most of all the animals in the aquarium. I find them fascinating.

The rest of the day we've just been lying in the hotel room. Witch is kind of nice. But tomorrow we'll pick up our car and drive away from Auckland to new places. It will be fun to see something new, but I really like Auckland so it's kind of sad too. I don't really know if I can type that much later. I don't if we'll have wifi later on. I'll guess we'll find out.

Hope you're enjoying school and work at home :P

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