söndag 12 januari 2014

Finally WiFi

I haven't been posting in days now. We haven't got any wifi. But now here I am in a nice hotel in Wellington and finally some working wifi. We've done lots of stuff since I last wrote you. I'm going to try to tell you about it without writing a bible.

We've started in Auckland in Friday. We drived to a small town called Rotorua. It was a really cozy town, but it didn't smell to good. In Rororua there are hotsprings. And the gas from the springs smelled. A lot. But it was fine.

 We stayed in Rotorua for two nights, in a very old and beautiful hotel. The day we came we just went out in the town looking around, eating some food and stuff like that.

 The next day we where supposed to go to Hobbiton. A place with a few hobbit houses. You who've seen The Lord of the rings and the hobbit movies will understand what I mean, you others should really see the movies. But anyway, the Hobbiton tour was full boocked, so instead we went on the duck tour. The duck tour is a tour that shows you around in Rotorua. You're driving around in a big car from the Second World War looking a bit like a duck. It can be a boat as well. So we where driving both on land and in water. It was really beautiful in Rotorua and the driver told us a lot about it. When we've finished the tour we went to a grouserystore and bought some food and made ourself a good chicken salad for dinner.

On our way to Napier, the next town we lived in, we stopped in "Oraki Korako" or whatever the name was, It means "the hidden valley". In "the hidden valley" we went on a tour in a forest to see the many hotsprings/geysers and some other stuff too. It was really cool the water was so hot it boiled. There where boiling mud too. There where a few look outs in the forest and there where absoulutley great views from there. I took a lot of pictures. When we where finished looking at the springs/geysers we had a nice picnic before we went back on the road again.

In Napier we stayed in a lovely motel called "the albatross". In the motel there where a pool so Tove and I could finally take a dip. After the dip we went for a late dinner in the very cute town.

Now after another day on the road we've arrived in the capital city, Wellington. And tomorrow we're going to take the ferry to the South Island.

I don't think it's been boring spending a few hours a day in the car. The nature is amazing. It's so beautiful everywhere and I absolutely love it here. You can just sit watch out the window, if your not the one driving of course. And I also had a great book to read all the way.
Unfortunately I've finished the book now. So I'm trying to find a new one. I'm going to read "the fault in our stars" in English. Then I will practice my English even more. The problem is that the book is very popular and where sold out in the only bookshop we've found here. I will have to wait until we've arrived in Christ Church. Maybe it's good. I probably need to lay some time on my homework now. I haven't done so much yet...

I hope I get wifi soon again so I can write some more. Bye! Bye!

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